Battery Chargers
Provide a solid state, fully automatic, variable charging rate battery
charger. The charger shall be capable of providing 150 percent of the
connected system load and shall maintain the batteries at full charge. In
the event the batteries are fully discharged, the charger shall recharge
the batteries back to 95 percent of full charge within 48 hours. Provide
pilot light to indicate when batteries are manually placed on a high rate
of charge as part of the unit assembly if a high rate switch is provided.
System Field Wiring
Wiring Within Cabinets, Enclosures, Boxes, Junction Boxes, and
Provide wiring installed in a neat and workmanlike manner and installed
parallel with or at right angles to the sides and back of any box,
enclosure, or cabinet. Conductors which are terminated, spliced, or
otherwise interrupted in any enclosure, cabinet, mounting, or junction box
shall be connected to terminal blocks. Mark each terminal in accordance
pressure type terminal blocks, which are securely mounted. The use of wire
nuts or similar devices shall be prohibited.
Terminal Cabinets
NOTE: Provide terminal cabinets on each floor where
the fire alarm system supply riser is located and
where the fire alarm return riser is located.
Provide a terminal cabinet at the base of any circuit riser, on each floor
at each riser, and where indicated on the drawings. Terminal size shall be
appropriate for the size of the wiring to be connected. Conductor
terminations shall be labeled and a drawing containing conductors, their
labels, their circuits, and their interconnection shall be permanently
mounted in the terminal cabinet. Minimum size is 200 mm by 200 mm 8 inches
high by 8 inches.
Alarm Wiring
Signaling line circuits and initiating device circuit field wiring shall be
copper, No. [16] [18] [_____] AWG size conductors at a minimum.
Notification appliance circuit conductors, that contain audible alarm
devices, [other than speakers,] shall be solid copper No. 14 AWG size
conductors at a minimum. [Speaker circuits shall be copper No. [16]
[_____] AWG size conductors at a minimum.] [Firefighter telephone circuits
shall be No. [16] [18] [_____] AWG size conductors as a minimum.] Wire
size shall be sufficient to prevent voltage drop problems. Circuits
operating at 24 VDC shall not operate at less than 21.6 volts. Circuits
operating at any other voltage shall not have a voltage drop exceeding 10
percent of nominal voltage. Power wiring, operating at 120 VAC minimum,
shall be No. 12 AWG solid copper having similar insulation. Provide all
wiring in rigid metal conduit or intermediate metal conduit. Electrical
metallic tubing conduit is acceptable in dry locations not enclosed in
concrete or where not subject to mechanical damage. Conceal conduit in
finished areas of new construction and wherever practicable in existing
construction. The use of flexible conduit not exceeding a 1830 mm [6]
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