Control Modules
Provide power and control modules to perform all functions of the remote
control unit. Provide audible signals to indicate any alarm or trouble
condition. The alarm signals shall be different from the trouble signal.
Connect circuit conductors entering or leaving the panel to screw-type
terminals with each terminal marked for identification. Locate diodes and
relays, if any, on screw terminals in the remote control unit. Circuits
operating at 24 VDC shall not operate at less than 21.6 volts. Circuits
operating at any other voltage shall not have a voltage drop exceeding 10
percent of nominal voltage. Circuits shall be arranged so that there is 25
percent spare capacity for any circuit.
Silencing Switches
Provide an alarm silencing switch at the remote control unit which will
silence the audible signal but not affect the visual alarm indicator. This
switch shall be overridden upon activation of a subsequent alarm. Provide
trouble and supervisory silencing switch which will silence the audible
trouble and supervisory signal, but not extinguish the visual indicator.
This switch shall be overridden upon activation of a subsequent trouble or
supervisory signal.
Power and supervise each circuit such that a signal from one device does
not prevent the receipt of signals from any other device. Circuits shall
be manually resettable by switch from the remote control unit after the
initiating device or devices have been restored to normal.
Provide each control unit with non-volatile memory and logic for all
functions. The use of long life batteries, capacitors, or other
age-dependent devices shall not be considered as equal to non-volatile
processors, PROMS, or EPROMS.
Field Programmability
Provide control units that are fully field programmable for control,
initiating, supervisory, and trouble functions of both input and output.
The system program configuration shall be menu driven. System changes
shall be password protected and shall be accomplished using personal
computer based equipment.
Input/Output Modifications
of input devices from the system or the modification of system outputs.
Any such modifications shall indicate a trouble condition on the remote
control unit, the FACP, and a printed output of the trouble condition.
Provide the necessary controls to prevent the resetting of any alarm,
supervisory, or trouble signal while the alarm, supervisory, or trouble
condition on the system still exists.
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