Battery power calculations
Submit shop drawings not smaller than 600 by 900 mm 24 by 36
inches. As a minimum, the shop drawing submittal shall include
the items listed above.
SD-03 Product Data
Fire alarm control panel (FACP); G
Printers, covers, console rack, video display unit (VDU), etc.; G
Terminal cabinets/assemblies; G
Manual stations; G
Transmitters (including housing); G
Batteries; G
Battery chargers; G
Smoke sensors; G
Thermal sensors; G
Wiring and cable; G
Notification appliances; G
Addressable interface devices; G
Graphic annunciator; G]
Firefighter telephone; G]
Tamper switches; G
Electromagnetic door holders; G]
Smoke sensor testing procedures; G
Telegraphic transmitter; G]
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