procurement, contracting and legal issues;, contains
information on vendor product compliance.
Provide computer controlled facility components, specified in this section,
that are Year 2000 compliant (Y2K). Computer controlled facility
components refers to software driven technology and embedded microchip
technology. This includes, but is not limited to, telecommunications
switches, programmable thermostats, HVAC controllers, elevator controllers,
fire detection and suppression systems, alarms, security systems, and other
programmable logic controllers.
Each digital alarm communicator transmitter shall be completely assembled,
tested at the factory, and delivered ready for installation and operation.
The transmitter electronics package shall be contained within the housing
as a complete assembly, removable to facilitate servicing and replacement.
The DACT shall be capable of seizing a telephone line at the protected
premise and sending digital alarm or trouble information over the telephone
network to a DACR.[ Provide interface device for digital alarm
communicator transmitter to be compatible with existing system.]
Transmitter Identity Code
the third sentence and include the bracketed
Each DACT shall include a unique identity code as part of each
transmission. Setting the code shall be readily accomplishable in the
field. The specific code number for each DACT shall be as shown on the
drawings.[ Submit in writing, within 30 calendar days after award, the
specific code number for each DACT. Obtain the code numbers from the
Federal Fire Department, Telephone No. (808) 474-2222.]
Transmission Confirmation
Each DACT shall produce an audible or visual indication that the
transmitter is operating and a signal is being sent, when the transmission
is initiated by an alarm condition or manual test switch.
Automatic DACT Test
Each DACT shall automatically transmit a test message at least once in each
24 hour period. Test message shall also allow manual actuation by means of
a secured (not publicly accessible) switch. Automatic actuation shall be
initiated by a solid state programmable electronic device. Stability of
the electronic device shall be plus or minus one minute per month or
better. Test time(s) shall be programmable without removing the DACT from
the enclosure.
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