forth in 47 CFR 15.
The system, including all components and appurtenances, shall be configured
and installed to yield a mean time between failure (MTBF), as defined in
ANSI C42.100, of at least 10,000 hours continuous operation.
Intrusion Alarm
An alarm resulting from the detection of a specified target and which
results in an attempt to intrude into the protected area or when entry into
an entry controlled area is attempted without successfully using entry
control procedures.
Nuisance Alarm
An alarm resulting from the detection of an alarm stimuli, but which does
not represent an attempt to intrude into the protected area.
Environmental Alarm
False Alarm
An alarm when there is no alarm stimulus.
Duress Alarm
An alarm condition which results from a set of pre-established conditions
such as entering a special code into a keypad or by activating a switch.
This alarm category shall take precedence over other alarm categories.
Probability of Detection
Each zone shall have a continuous probability of detection greater than 90
percent and shall be demonstrated with a confidence level of 95 percent.
This probability of detection equates to 49 successful detections out of 50
tests or 98 successful detections out of 100 tests.
Standard Intruder and Intruder Movement
The system shall be able to detect an intruder that weighs 45 kg 100 pounds
or less and is 1.5 m 5 feet tall or less. The intruder shall be dressed in
a long-sleeved shirt, slacks and shoes unless environmental conditions at
defined as any movement such as walking, running, crawling, rolling, or
jumping through a protected zone in the most advantageous manner for the
Electrical Requirements
NOTE: The designer will select the correct line
characteristics of each voltage source.
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