medical records, and exposure data for a period of [50 years] [indefinite
time] after termination of employment and make records of the required
medical examinations and exposure data available for inspection and copying
to: The Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health
(OSHA), or authorized representatives of them, and an employee's physician
upon the request of the employee or former employee.
Employee Training
NOTE: Include bracketed sentence where required by
law, regulation or statute.
Submit certificates, prior to the start of work but after the main
abatement submittal, signed by each employee indicating that the employee
has received training in the proper handling of materials and wastes that
contain asbestos in accordance with 40 CFR 763; understands the health
implications and risks involved, including the illnesses possible from
exposure to airborne asbestos fibers; understands the use and limits of the
respiratory equipment to be used; and understands the results of monitoring
of airborne quantities of asbestos as related to health and respiratory
equipment as indicated in 29 CFR 1926.1101 on an initial and annual basis.
Certificates shall be organized by individual worker, not grouped by type
of certification. [Post appropriate evidence of compliance with the
training requirements of 40 CFR 763.] Train all personnel involved in the
asbestos control work in accordance with United States Environmental
Protection Agency (USEPA) Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA)
training criteria or State training criteria whichever is more stringent.
The Contractor shall document the training by providing: dates of
training, training entity, course outline, names of instructors, and
qualifications of instructors upon request by the Contracting Officer.
Furnish each employee with respirator training and fit testing administered
by the PQP as required by 29 CFR 1926.1101. Fully cover engineering and
other hazard control techniques and procedures. [All asbestos workers
shall have a current [State of _____][Commonwealth of Virginia] asbestos
worker's license.]
Permits [, Licenses,] and Notifications
NOTE: The USEPA has delegated the responsibility of
notification requirements to most States. Verify
with the State and local authorities where the
project is located whether the city, county, State,
and/or USEPA has jurisdiction and whether a license
is required.
For Virginia, use "Asbestos Control Clerk, Virginia
Department of Labor" for the second sentence.
Obtain necessary permits [and licenses] in conjunction with asbestos
removal, encapsulation, hauling, and disposition, and furnish notification
of such actions required by Federal, State, regional, and local authorities
prior to the start of work. Notify the [Regional Office of the United
Contracting Officer in writing 20 working days prior to commencement of
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