hazards in the workplace and selecting the appropriate control strategy for
to eliminate them, and is specifically trained in a training course which
meet the criteria of EPA's Model Accreditation Plan (40 CFR 763) for
project designer or supervisor, or its equivalent. [The competent person
shall have a current [State of _____] [Commonwealth of Virginia] asbestos
contractors or supervisors license.]
The abatement of an asbestos hazard through the appropriate use of chemical
Specific materials in various forms used to chemically or physically entrap
asbestos fibers in various configurations to prevent these fibers from
becoming airborne. There are four types of encapsulants as follows which
must comply with performance requirements as specified herein.
Removal Encapsulant (can be used as a wetting agent)
Bridging Encapsulant (used to provide a tough, durable surface
coating to asbestos containing material)
Penetrating Encapsulant (used to penetrate the asbestos containing
material encapsulating all asbestos fibers and preventing fiber
release due to routine mechanical damage)
Lock-Down Encapsulant (used to seal off or "lock-down" minute
asbestos fibers left on surfaces from which asbestos containing
material has been removed).
Friable Asbestos Material
One percent asbestos containing material that can be crumbled, pulverized,
or reduced to powder by hand pressure when dry.
Glovebag Technique
Those asbestos removal and control techniques put forth in 29 CFR 1926.1101
Appendix G.
HEPA Filter Equipment
High efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filtered vacuum and/or exhaust
ventilation equipment with a filter system capable of collecting and
retaining asbestos fibers. Filters shall retain 99.97 percent of particles
0.3 microns or larger as indicated in UL 586.
Navy Consultant (NC)
That qualified person employed directly by the Government to monitor,
sample, inspect the work or in some other way advise the Contracting
Officer. The NC is normally a private consultant, but can be an employee
of the Government.
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