they have different definitions as to what
constitutes ACM in wallboard/joint compound systems.
Therefore, where wallboard/joint compound are
suspected to contain ACM, analyze both discrete
samples (separate samples from wallboard and joint
compound) to address worker protection and composite
samples (wallboard system as a whole) to address
disposal requirements. It is not unusual for the
wallboard itself and the wallboard system (taken as
a whole) to contain less than 1 percent asbestos,
but the discrete joint compound samples to contain
greater than 1 per cent asbestos. Problems can
arise if these materials are not properly
categorized in the design. Also, if the material is
applied as an "add on" or "skim coat", NESHAPS
considers the layers separate and composite sampling
is not appropriate.
Asbestos operations do not always indicate negative
pressure enclosure type asbestos control with all of
its attendant requirements. The location of the
area, type of material, and initial as well as other
exposure assessments for abatement workers and the
environment must be reviewed and a judgment made by
the designer as to the precise asbestos control
techniques described herein that may be safely and
legally used.
It is the policy of the Navy to eliminate the use of
materials containing asbestos wherever possible.
Therefore, the designer shall not use asbestos
containing materials wherever a substitute, suitable
to the Navy, exists.
The limits and conditions of asbestos hazard
abatement efforts must be indicated on the drawings
or in the specification in sufficient detail for the
Contractor to submit an accurate bid. Portions of
the building where asbestos work will take place
must be unoccupied during the removal operation. It
is highly recommended that the entire building be
unoccupied during asbestos hazard abatement
operations. If portions of the building where
asbestos hazard abatement is not taking place must
remain occupied, additional requirements must be
added for providing temporary heating/cooling and
other utilities to the occupied portions of the
example cannot be operated in the asbestos control
area and due to wet removal procedures, electrical
service to the asbestos control area may need to be
shut off and resupplied through a ground fault
circuit interrupter. In addition, the rooms with
openings into the room undergoing asbestos abatement
must be empty with critical barriers installed to
provide a buffer zone.
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