Lead Hazard Abatement Workers
Lead hazard abatement workers shall be certified pursuant to 40 CFR 745,
Section 226 and shall be responsible for performing the labor necessary to
complete the lead hazard abatement activities required in this contract.
Certified Risk Assessor
The Certified Risk Assessor shall be certified pursuant to 40 CFR 745,
Section 226 and shall be responsible to perform the clearance sampling,
clearance sample data evaluation amd shall summarize clearance sampling
results in a section of the abatement report. The risk assessor shall sign
the abatement report to indicate clearance requirements for the contract
have been met.
Testing Laboratories
The laboratory selected to perform analysis on dust wipe, paint chip and
soil samples shall be recognized by the EPA's National Lead Laboratory
Accreditation Program (NLLAP).
NOTE: This specification section is based on EPA 40
CFR 745, Section 227 requirements. The designer
will need to research and specify the requirements
of any other state, local or installation
regulations that may affect lead hazard abatement
activities specific to this project.
The following State and local statutes, regulations and requirements apply
to lead hazard abatement activities to be performed: State, [_____], Local
The certified supervisor shall develop and implement an Occupant Protection
Plan describing the measures and management procedures to be taken during
lead hazard abatement activities to protect the building occupants/building
facilities and the outside environment from exposure to any lead
contamination while lead hazard abatement activities are performed.
NOTE: Consult with the customer, district
engineering, construction and safety offices and all
outside regulatory authorities (EPA, state, county,
city) having jurisdiction over any part of the
project to determine whether a license or permit is
required and who is responsible for submitting
required notifications to various agencies. The
designer then must make the decision if the required
permits are to be obtained by the Contractor or the
Government. If the Contractor is to provide the
permits, include this paragraph and choose the
appropriate bracketed items. If the Government is
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