generator and switch the negative air pressure system machines to generator
power. The generator shall not present a carbon monoxide hazard to workers.
Vacuum Systems
Vacuum systems shall be suitably sized for the project, and filters shall
be capable of trapping and retaining all mono-disperse particles as small
as 0.3 micrometers (mean aerodynamic diameter) at a minimum efficiency of
99.97 percent. Used filters that are being replaced shall be disposed in a
proper manner.
Heat Blower Guns
Heat blower guns shall be flameless, electrical, paint-softener type with
controls to limit temperature to 590 degrees C 1,100 degrees F. Heat
blower shall be DI (non-grounded) 120 volts ac, and shall be equipped with
cone, fan, glass protector and spoon reflector nozzles.
Chemical Paint Strippers
Chemical paint strippers shall not contain methylene chloride and shall be
formulated to prevent stain, discoloration, or raising of the substrate
Chemical Paint Stripper Neutralizer
Neutralizers for paint strippers shall be compatible with the substrate and
suitable for use with the chemical stripper that has been applied to the
Detergents and Cleaners
Detergents or cleaning agents shall not contain trisodium phosphate and
shall have demonstrated effectiveness in lead control work using cleaning
techniques specified by HUD 6780 guidelines.
Polyethylene Bags
Disposable bags shall be polyethylene plastic and shall be a minimum of
0.15 mm 6 mils thick (0.1 mm 4 mils thick if double bags are used) or any
other thick plastic material shown to demonstrate at least equivalent
performance; and shall be capable of being made leak-tight. Leak-tight
means that solids, liquids or dust cannot escape or spill out.
Polyethylene Leak-tight Wrapping
Wrapping used to wrap lead contaminated debris shall be polyethylene
plastic that is a minimum of 0.15 mm 6 mils thick or any other thick
plastic material shown to demonstrate at least equivalent performance.
Polyethylene Sheeting
Sheeting shall be polyethylene plastic with a minimum thickness of 0.15 mm
6 mil, or any other thick plastic material shown to demonstrate at least
equivalent performance; and shall be provided in the largest sheet size
reasonably accommodated by the project to minimize the number of seams.
Where the project location constitutes an out of the ordinary potential for
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