defined in 40 CFR 763, Subpart E, Appendix A, Unit III, TEM Method B.7(d-f)
and Table 4 of this section for all indoor asbestos abatement projects.
Clearance air monitoring is not required for outside work or for soil
Final Clearance Requirements, NIOSH PCM Method
For PCM sampling and analysis using NIOSH 94-113 Method 7400, the fiber
concentration inside the abated regulated area, for each airborne sample,
shall be less than 0.01 f/cc. The abatement inside the regulated area is
considered complete when every PCM final clearance sample is below the
clearance limit. If any sample result is greater than 0.01 total f/cc, the
asbestos fiber concentration (asbestos f/cc) shall be confirmed from that
same filter using NIOSH 94-113 Method 7402 (TEM) at Contractor's expense.
If any confirmation sample result is greater than 0.01 asbestos f/cc,
abatement is incomplete and cleaning shall be repeated. Upon completion of
any required recleaning, resampling with results to meet the above
clearance criteria shall be done.
Final Clearance Requirements, EPA TEM Method
For EPA TEM sampling and analysis, using the EPA Method specified in 40 CFR
763, abatement inside the regulated area is considered complete when the
arithmetic mean asbestos concentration of the 5 inside samples is less than
or equal to 70 structures per square millimeter (70 S/mm). When the
arithmetic mean is greater than 70 S/mm, the 3 blank samples shall be
analyzed. If the 3 blank samples are greater than 70 S/mm, resampling
shall be done. If less than 70 S/mm, the 5 outside samples shall be
analyzed and a Z-test analysis performed. When the Z-test results are less
than 1.65, the decontamination shall be considered complete. If the Z-test
results are more than 1.65, the abatement is incomplete and cleaning shall
be repeated. Upon completion of any required recleaning, resampling with
results to meet the above clearance criteria shall be done.
Air Clearance Failure
If clearance sampling results fail to meet the final clearance
requirements, the Contractor shall pay all costs associated with the
required recleaning, resampling, and analysis, until final clearance
requirements are met.
NOTE: Consult with customer on turn around time for
sample results in the blank. This is sometimes
dependent upon the location of the abatement project
and the availability of testing laboratories to turn
sample results quickly. Some state or local
regulators, Corps of Engineer districts or customers
may require the CO retain an air sampling firm to
Air sample fiber counting shall be completed and results provided within 24
hours (breathing zone samples), and [_____] hours (environmental/clearance
monitoring) after completion of a sampling period. The CO shall be
notified immediately of any airborne levels of asbestos fibers in excess of
established requirements. Written sampling results shall be provided
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