Objective Data: Objective data demonstrating that the product or
material containing asbestos minerals or the activity involving
such product or material cannot release airborne fibers in
concentrations exceeding the PEL-TWA and PEL-Excursion Limit under
those work conditions having the greatest potential for releasing
Prior Asbestos Jobs: Where the Contractor has monitored prior
asbestos jobs for the PEL and the PEL-Excursion Limit within 12
months of the current job, the monitoring and analysis were
performed in compliance with asbestos standard in effect; the data
were obtained during work operations conducted under workplace
conditions closely resembling the processes, type of material,
and prevailing in the Contractor's current operations; the
operations were conducted by employees whose training and
experience are no more extensive than that of employees performing
the current job; and these data show that under the conditions
prevailing and which will prevail in the current workplace, there
is a high degree of certainty that the monitoring covered exposure
from employee exposures will not exceed the PEL-TWA and
PEL-Excursion Limit.]
Initial Exposure Monitoring: The results of initial exposure
monitoring of the current job, made from breathing zone air
samples that are representative of the 8-hour PEL-TWA and
30-minute short-term exposures of each employee. The monitoring
covered exposure from operations which are most likely during the
performance of the entire asbestos job to result in exposures over
the PELs.
Independent Environmental Monitoring
NOTE: Select the bracketed paragraph and edit if
the Government plans to retain an independent air
monitoring firm to perform any of the following
environmental air monitoring activities ,pre-abatement,
during abatement, or final clearance.
[The Government has retained an independent air monitoring firm to perform
[pre-abatement] [during abatement][final clearance air monitoring]. The
air monitoring contractor has been provided a copy of the contract that
includes this abatement work. The abatement contractor will provide the
air monitoring contractor with an up-to-date copy of the accepted AHAP, APP
and pertinent detailed drawings. The air monitoring contractor is required
to comply with the abatement contractor's safety and health requirements.
The abatement contractor will coordinate all onsite activities with the air
monitoring contractor, the COR, and other affected parties as directed by
the COR. The abatement contractor will provide the air monitoring
contractor with an up-to-date schedule of abatement contractor work
activities. The air monitoring contractor will coordinate with the
abatement contractor and the COR during the performance Government required
air monitoring. The abatement contractor is responsible for performing
exposure assessment and personal air monitoring of abatement contractor's
work. The air monitoring contractor is responsible for performing these
tasks for its employee.]
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