conducted at a sufficient velocity and duration to establish the
limit of detection of the method used at 0.005 f/cc.
(4) When confirming asbestos fiber concentrations (asbestos f/cc)
from environmental and final clearance samples, use TEM in
accordance with NIOSH 94-113 Method 7402. When such confirmation
is conducted, it shall be from the same sample filter used for the
NIOSH 94-113 Method 7400 PCM analysis. All confirmation of
asbestos fiber concentrations, using NIOSH 94-113 Method 7402,
shall be at the Contractor's expense.
(5) Monitoring may be duplicated by the Government at the
discretion of the CO and at the Government's expense.
(6) The Contractor shall maintain a fiber concentration inside a
regulated area less than or equal to 0.1 f/cc expressed as an 8
hour, time-weighted average (TWA) during the conduct of the
asbestos abatement.
(7) At the discretion of the Contracting Officer, fiber
concentration may exceed 0.1 f/cc but shall not exceed 1.0 f/cc
expressed as an 8-hour TWA. Should an environmental concentration
of 1.0 f/cc expressed as an 8-hour TWA occur inside a regulated
work area, the Contractor shall stop work immediately, notify the
Contracting Officer, and implement additional engineering controls
and work practice controls to reduce airborne fiber levels below
prescribed limits in the work area. Work shall not restart until
authorized by the CO.
Initial Exposure Assessment
NOTE: Delete last sentence if not applicable.
The Contractor's Designated IH shall conduct an exposure assessment
immediately before or at the initiation of an asbestos abatement operation
to ascertain expected exposures during that operation. The assessment
shall be completed in time to comply with the requirements, which are
triggered by exposure data or the lack of a negative exposure assessment,
planned are appropriate for that operation. The assessment shall take into
or calculations which indicate employee exposure to asbestos, including any
previous monitoring conducted in the workplace, or of the operations of the
Contractor which indicate the levels of airborne asbestos likely to be
encountered on the job. [For Class I asbestos work, until the employer
conducts exposure monitoring and documents that employees on that job will
not be exposed in excess of PELs, or otherwise makes a negative exposure
assessment, the Contractor shall presume that employees are exposed in
excess of the PEL-TWA and PEL-Excursion Limit.]
Negative Exposure Assessment
The Contractor shall provide a negative exposure assessment for the
specific asbestos job which will be performed. The negative exposure
assessment shall be provided within [_____] days of the initiation of the
project and conform to the following criteria:
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