possible to energize entire washer-sterilizing system by single switch.
Provide control to stop cycle of washer-sterilizer if chamber temperature
falls 1 degree C 2 degrees F below set value or if power to unit fails, or
both. Controls shall be automatic microprocessor type providing for the
following cycles:
Wash and sterilize.
Flash sterilize only.
Wash only.
Pressure and temperature indicators.
Loader shall be capable of receiving at least one load of racked utensils
at a time and, on demand by unit, automatically introduce load into
processing chamber. Components of loader in contact with basket or racks
shall be stainless steel or PVC.
Unloader/Storage Unit
Unloader/storage unit shall automatically remove at least one full load of
racked utensils at a time from processing chamber and move rack(s) onto
storage component which shall have capacity for at least two such full
loads. When fully loaded with racks, unit shall cease to discharge
additional loads. Parts of unit in contact with utensil racks shall be
stainless steel or PVC. Design rollers on storage unit with noise reducing
PVC finish.
Horizontal Conveyor
NOTE: Drawings shall indicate layout of the rack
conveyor system and interface with feed and holding
tables on automatic sterilizers.
The horizontal conveyor shall receive, transport, and transfer loaded
basket/racks to and from the processing unit and shall be capable of
accumulating the basket/racks until a processing unit becomes available.
Conveyor shall be power driven roller, accumulating type, designed to
automatically hold basket/racks of utensils until they can be removed. At
loader, conveyor shall automatically release each basket/rack onto loader.
Conveyor shall be size appropriate for material handling basket/racks,
entirely suitable for the intended purpose, and complying with ASME B20.1.
Wash and Sterilize Performance Requirements
When tested in the following manner, system shall render test utensils and
surgical instruments sterile and visually free of soil.
Test Load Preparation
Test load shall be prepared by coating surfaces, both inside and out, of
test utensils listed below with standard test soil, and utensils allowed to
drain for 10 minutes. Then test load shall be baked at 38 degrees C 100
degrees C for 5 minutes in chamber of preheated sterilizer with steam in
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