Aerating System
System shall be concealed, accessible, and in a suitable location. System
shall include thermostatically controlled heaters, bacteria retaining
filter for incoming air, and circulating blower fan. Blower fan shall
produce not less than one air change in the processing chamber every
minute. The blower motor shall have overload protection. Heaters shall be
protected by a high temperature thermostat with reset. With automatic
reset, an indicator shall be provided that high temperature thermostat has
Vent Stack
NOTE: Drawings shall indicate vent connections or
discharge points with details of discharge ducts.
Effluent air shall be conducted through a vent stack on the aerator.
openings shall be designed for connection to a building vent line
Washer/sterilizer shall be a steam heated device suitable for the
pre-washing and sterilizing of heat and moisture stable surgical
instruments and utensils so that the products may be safe for handling and
further preparation as may be necessary. Units shall be ETL listed.
Include the following:
a. Automatic controls and electric characteristics: 120 volts, 60 Hz,
single phase.
Material handling accessories: Rack and either 2 or 3 shelves.
Instrument trays: 2
Automatic [washer-sterilizer] [washer-decontaminator] shall automatically
accept, thoroughly wash, rinse, sterilize, and dispatch basket/racks
containing heat and moisture stable hard goods, such as surgical
instruments and utensils, utilizing saturated steam as the sterilizing
agent. System shall be suitable for on-line, continuous operation
throughout a work day and include necessary components to provide complete
working entity, conforming to function, productivity and performance
requirements specified.
The chamber shall be single-shell welded construction of 316L stainless
steel, nickel clad, monel clad, or 304L stainless steel clad steel, with
cladding on surface exposed to sterilant. Chamber shall comply with ASME
BPVC SEC VIII D1 code for unfired pressure vessel of at least 450 kPa 50
psig and shall have an ASME stamp. Interior shall be fitted with guides or
tracks for material handling containers. Guides or tracks shall be
constructed of material consistent with the chamber. Fittings shall be
affixed on clad or bonded surfaces so that the steel will not be exposed to
the sterilant. Automatically controlled means shall be provided for wash
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