Parallel plate [or vertical tube] material and orientation shall enhance
oil coalescence and solids removal, and be corrosion and chemically
resistant to the oil-in-water mixture [and atmosphere] as specified in
paragraph entitled "SYSTEM DESCRIPTION."
Bolts, stiffeners, washers, nuts, screws, pins, and fittings as required
shall be corrosion resistant [and resistant to seawater]. Provide
materials that are inherently corrosion resistant and not merely treated
with a corrosion-resistant coating, such as provided by the galvanizing
NOTE: Separators below grade with access manholes
and extension tubes to the surface are not
recommended because of the obvious problems
associated with visual inspection, cleaning,
maintenance and safety. The designer is encouraged
to provide an open type unit with removable grates,
covers, or guard rail in order to minimize safety
problems and improve accessibility. The preferred
design is a separator with top at or above grade and
open to the atmosphere, or if absolutely necessary,
a cover which is completely removable. Access for
routine sampling of wastewater should be provided.
The cover should be designed so that it is easily
removable by one person without the use of special
hoists or other equipment. A separator that is
completely open will require a guardrail around the
top. However, if the designer is faced with an air
emission standard (i.e. State of California) the
separator may need to be vapor tight and would
preclude the use of open separators.
Do not bury tops of separators. Nake the entire top area of the separator
visible from ground surface. Separators below grade with access manholes
and extension tubes to the surface will not be permitted. Use separators
with an open top or a completely removable cover. Use open top separators
with removable grating unless otherwise shown. Use top cover and grating
that is easily removable by two persons. As a minimum provide access
hatches over the following areas: parallel plates, oil storage
compartments, Influent sampling area, effluent sampling area, oil skimmer,
and weirs. Parts subject to wear or requiring adjustment, inspection,
cleaning or repair shall be accessible and capable of convenient removal
when required.
Provide [above ground] [below ground] [partially above and partially below
ground] separator to withstand hydraulic and soil loadings under static and
dynamic conditions while empty and during operating conditions. Provide
adequate support for additional loadings from separator appurtenances
including weirs, hoppers, internal supports, parallel plate [or vertical
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