finished glass stop shall be tight fitting and mitered at the
Door and View Window Frame Fabrication
Custom-made, fully assembled, factory-welded units of the size and
shapes shown on the approved shop drawings. "Knock-down" frames
will not be accepted. Coordinate frame dimension to thickness of
door or glass.
Strong, rigid, neat in appearance, and free from defects. Frame
members shall be clean cut, straight, and of uniform profile.
Form frames to provide mitered trim and butted stops. Join head
and jamb members by continuous welds occupying the full depth and
width of the frame. Grind exposed welds smooth and flush.
When frames are for door light or food pass, fabricate members as
closed tubular shapes having no visible seams or joints on exposed
surfaces. Grind exposed welds smooth and flush.
Frames over 1200 mm 4 feet wide installed in masonry partitions
shall have a channel stiffener not less than 13 gage welded into
the head at the factory.
Protect cutouts and reinforcements with pressed steel mortar
guards on the inside of the frame.
Floor anchors formed of not less than 12 gage steel shall be
securely welded to the bottom of each jamb. [Where scheduled,
adjustable floor anchors extending not less than 50 mm 2 inches
below the finish floor line shall be provided.]
Frames for installation in masonry walls shall be provided with
non-removable adjustable jamb anchors constructed of not less than
14 gage material. Provide jamb anchors at 400 mm 16 inches on
Welded frames that are to be installed in previously prepared
masonry openings shall be 12 mm 1/2 inch smaller in width and 6 mm
1/4 inch smaller in height than the masonry opening to provide 6 mm
1/4 inch clearance on all sides.
Removable glass stop for view window frame shall consist of 10
gage angle securely fastened to the frame using machine screws of
6 by 32 mm 1/4 by 1 1/4 inch spaced at 200 mm 8 inches on center
maximum. Exposed screw heads shall be round, pan, or oval type,
and shall be torx drive, tamperproof. The finished glass stop
shall be a minimum of 25 mm one inch glass engagement. Install
plaster guards covering the glass stop screws on masonry grouted
When shipping limitations dictate, frames for large openings shall
be fabricated in sections designed for field welded splicing.
Welds shall be ground smooth and primed for painting. Sections
shall be assembled at the factory to ensure proper fit and be
clearly marked for field reassembly.
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