and handicap symbol.
4. Signage background color should be in high
contrast with signage copy (note: dark background
with white copy is preferred).
5. Arrow placement order on interior
signage will
comply with MIL-HDBK 1191,
Left pointing
arrows at top of sign, followed by up
arrows, then right pointing arrows at
bottom of
sign. Example follows:
^ Orthopedic Clinic
> Admissions
6. Signage schedule should be provided in
electronic spreadsheet format. Schedule will
include architectural room number, user room number,
type of sign, message, symbol (if needed), color,
and mounting location.
orientation maps for the medical facility will be
determined jointly by the using facility and the
design team. Orientation maps, if required, will be
included as part of the interior signage package,
and should be of the same manufacturer. Include
international symbols for information (?), parking
areas (upper case P within circle), public toilet
rooms, public telephones, and graphic north arrow on
orientation maps. Orientation map is to be
positioned so that building left is viewer's left.
8. Large, easy to read signs over reception
counters, check-in counters, information desks, or
departments will be provided. Signs should be
either ceiling mounted or affixed to soffit directly
above counters.
9. Room identification signs should be 20.32 cm x
20.32 cm (8 x 8 inch) or 22.86 cm x 22.22.86 cm (9 x
will be flush left.
10. Interior stairwell signage will be provided in
accordance with Life Safety Code NFPA 101, Chapter
5, and applicable occupancy chapters. Clearly
define interstitial spaces or other doorways within
stairwell that do not lead to a horizontal exitway
with signage that states "Not an Exit".
11. Fire evacuation signs will be provided in
12. Overhead directional signs should not block
fire exit signs.
Signage will clearly define all staff, public,
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