Walls, partitions, and other vertical surfaces not incorporated in ceiling
construction may be erected with soft, annealed steel conforming to ASTM A
Tie Wire
Tie wire for constructing partitions and vertical furring, for securing
metal lath to supports, and for lacing shall be not less than No. 18 SWG
diameter. Tie wire for all other applications shall be not less than No.
16 SWG diameter.
Clips used in lieu of tie wire for securing furring channels to the runner
channels in ceiling construction shall be made from strips not less than 3
mm 1/8 inch thick or shall be hairpin clip formed of No. 8 SWG wire. Other
clips and rings or fastenings of similar materials shall be equivalent in
holding power to that provided by tie wire for the specific application.
Arch, Flexible Corner Beads
Flexible corner beads shall be fabricated of [aluminum] [vinyl] [0.50 mm
0.0210 inch thick galvanized steel] [0.76 mm 0.030 inch thick zinc alloy],
with minimum 32 mm 1-1/4 inch wide flanges and 3 mm 1/8 inch thick bead,
designed to bend without buckles, kinks, or breaks in the nose.
Expanded Flange Corner Beads
Expanded flange corner beads shall be fabricated of [vinyl] [or] [aluminum]
[0.50 mm 0.0210 in thick galvanized steel] [0.76 mm 0.030 inch thick zinc
alloy], with 64 mm 2-1/2 inch wide flanges and 3 mm 1/8 inch wide bead.
Bullnose Corner Beads
Bullnose corner beads shall be fabricated of [vinyl] [or] [aluminum] [0.50
mm 0.0210 inch thick galvanized steel], with 64 mm 2-1/2 inch wide flanges
and 20 mm 3/4 inch bead.
Cornerites shall conform to ASTM C 847. Cornerites shall be fabricated of
galvanized expanded metal lath to form an angle of at least 100 degrees,
with outstanding legs of not less than 50 mm 2 inches.
Striplath shall conform to ASTM C 847. Striplath shall be fabricated of
galvanized steel sheet, 1.4 kg per square meter 2.5 pounds per square yard.
Base screeds shall be fabricated of 0.50 mm 0.0210 inch thick galvanized
steel, 13 mm 1/2 inch depth, with not less than 50 mm 2 inch wide expansion
Casing Beads
Casing beads shall be fabricated of [vinyl] [galvanized 0.70 mm 0.0276 inch
thick steel] [13] [19] mm [1/2] [3/4] inch depth, [25][50] mm [1] [2] inch
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