of lath used. Furring channels shall be securely saddle-tied to the runner
channels and to structural supports at each crossing with tie wire, hairpin
clips, or equivalent clips or fastenings. Furring channels shall be
located within 50 mm 2 inches of parallel walls and beams, and 15 mm 1/2
inch from abutting walls. When gypsum lath is used on ceilings, hat-shaped
sheetmetal furring channels may be used in lieu of 19 mm 3/4 inch rolled
steel furring channels. Gypsum lath shall be screw-applied at 200 mm 8
inches on centers along supports and not less than 10 mm 3/8 inch from
edges of lath.
Light Fixtures and Air Diffusers
Light fixtures and air diffusers shall be supported directly from suspended
ceiling runners. Wires shall be provided at appropriate locations to carry
the weight of recessed or surface mounted light fixtures and air diffusers.
Ceiling runners at continuous furred ceilings shall be applied directly to
furring channels and secured thereto with tie wire, bolts, or screws at not
more than 600 mm 24 inch centers.
Loadbearing Wall Framing
Load-bearing steel studs shall be spaced for the type of lath used at
external corners, partition ends, and approximately 50 mm 2 inches each
side of internal corners. Floor and ceiling runners shall be firmly
secured to structural members with screws or bolts in expansion shields,
hard-tempered stub nails, powder-actuated anchors, or by other approved
methods at not more than 600 mm 24 inch centers. Studs shall be attached
to runner tracks with rivets or screws. Runner to tracks shall be aligned
to partition layout at floor and ceiling, and shall be secured to concrete
slabs with minimum 22 mm 7/8 inch powder-driven pins or 19 mm 3/4 inch
concrete stub nails at no more than 1200 mm 48 inches on centers. Each
stud shall be aligned, plumb and true to top and bottom runner tracks.
Non-Loadbearing Wall Framing
Nonload-bearing steel studs shall be installed in accordance with ASTM C 754
with spacings as indicated in ASTM C 841 for the type of lath used. Studs
shall be aligned and secure in top and bottom runners at spacings indicated
on drawings. [One] [Two] beads of acoustic sealant shall be placed between
runners and substrate to achieve the required air seal. Stud splicing is
not acceptable. Corners shall be constructed with a minimum of three
studs. Stud framing system shall be braced and made rigid.
Adjoining Walls and Columns
Studs which adjoin walls or columns shall be secured near the top and
bottom, and at least one intermediate point, but not more than 1.5 m 5 feet
on centers, with wire inserts, dovetail anchors, toggle bolts, or bolts set
in expansion shields.
Wall Bracing
Partitions more than 3 m 10 feet long or 2.7 m 9 feet high shall be braced
with 19 mm 3/4 inch steel channel stiffeners concealed horizontally.
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