The minimum thicknesses specified in SMACNA Arch.
Manual may be increased and other materials may be
used if justified by local conditions.
If galvanized steel is required for temporary
facilities, delete "galvanized steel" from the first
sentence below.]
[Lead, lead-coated metal, and galvanized steel shall not be used. Any
metal listed by SMACNA Arch. Manual for a particular item may be used,
unless otherwise specified or indicated. Materials shall conform to the
requirements specified below and to the thicknesses and configurations
established in SMACNA Arch. Manual. Different items need not be of the
same metal, except that if copper is selected for any exposed item, all
exposed items shall be copper.]
Furnish sheet metal items in 2400 to 3000 mm 8 to 10 foot lengths. Single
pieces less than 2400 mm 8 feet long may be used to connect to
factory-fabricated inside and outside corners, and at ends of runs.
Factory fabricate corner pieces with minimum 300 mm 12 inch legs. Provide
accessories and other items essential to complete the sheet metal
installation. These accessories shall be made of the same materials as the
items to which they are applied. Fabricate sheet metal items of the
materials specified below and to the gage, thickness, or weight shown in
Table I at the end of this section. Sheet metal items shall have mill
finish unless specified otherwise. Where more than one material is listed
for a particular item in Table I, each is acceptable and may be used except
as follows:
Exposed Sheet Metal Items
Shall be of the same material. The following items shall be considered as
exposed sheet metal: gutters, including hangers; downspouts; gravel stops
and fascias; cap, valley, steeped, base, and eave flashings and related
Do not use copper for an exposed item if drainage from that item will pass
over exposed masonry, stonework or other metal surfaces. In addition to
the metals listed in Table I, lead-coated copper may be used for such items.
Copper, Sheet and Strip
ASTM B 370, cold-rolled temper, H 00 (standard).
Lead-Coated Copper Sheet
NOTE: Factory-applied color coating on sheet
aluminum and galvanized steel may be used on
building additions where necessary to match existing
galvanized or other exposed painted metal work. This
coating may also be used on sheet aluminum and
galvanized steel surfaces of new buildings where a
long-life exterior color finish is desired.
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