Asphalt Primer
ASTM D 41.
Through-Wall Flashing
Through-wall flashing for masonry is specified in Section 04200 UNIT
Use the same metal or a metal compatible with the item fastened.
stainless steel fasteners to fasten dissimilar materials.
NOTE: On-site fabricated flat copper, zinc, or
terne-coated steel metal roofing is not included in
text of this guide specification because it is
infrequently used. These materials do not require
field painting. (However, if terne plate is used,
field painting must be specified: one coat of iron
oxide paint on underside before application, and on
exposed surfaces after application. Exposed
surfaces also require finish coat of compatible
exterior oil paint over iron oxide paint). If
design requires this type of metal roofing, edit
subsections below as necessary.
Metal Roofing
[Flat Copper,] [Zinc,] [Terne-coated Steel] Roofing
Before applying roofing, cover deck with rosin-sized building paper. Lap
50 mm 2 inches at joints and secure in place with roofing nails. Using
solder of equal parts tin and lead, solder slowly with well-heated irons to
thoroughly heat sheet and completely sweat solder through full width of
seam. [Tin edges of copper to be soldered at least 20 mm 3/4 inch before
sheets are locked.] [Use stainless nails in terne-coated steel]; [in
copper, use solid copper or bronze roofing nails] [in zinc, use zinc-coated
roofing nails.] Where roof decks abut vertical surfaces, turn metal roofing
up vertical surfaces about 200 mm 8 inches where practicable; where
vertical surfaces are covered with applied materials, turn up roofing
behind applied materials.
Use standing-seam method for roofs having rise
of more than one in four 3 inches per foot, and use flat-seam method when
rise is one in four 3 inches per foot or less. Walking not permitted
directly on metal roofs; provide approved walkways.
Standing-seam Method
Make standing seams parallel with slope of roof. Fabricate sheets into
long lengths at shop by locking short dimensions together and thoroughly
soldering joints thus formed. In applying metal, turn up one edge of
course at each side seam at right angles 40 mm 1.5 inches. Then install 50
by 75 mm 2 by 3 inch cleats spaced 300 mm 12 inches apart by fastening one
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