end of each cleat to roof with two 25 mm one inch long nails and folding
roof end back over nail heads. Turn end adjoining turned-up side seam up
over upstanding edge of course. Turn up adjoining edge of next course 45 mm
1.75 inches and abutting upstanding edges locked, turned over, and
flattened against one side of standing seam. Make standing seams straight,
rounded neatly at the top edges, and stand about 25 mm one inch above roof
deck. All sheets shall be same length, except as required to complete run
or maintain pattern. Locate transverse joints of each panel half way
between joints in adjacent sheets. Align joints of alternate sheets
horizontally to produce uniform pattern, as shown in SMACNA Arch. Manual.
Flat-seam Method
Lay metal so short dimension is parallel to gutter or eave lines and so
water will flow over and not into seams. Make seams by turning edges of
sheet 20 mm 3/4 inch and lock and solder together. If sheets are laid one
at a time, secure to roof deck with cleats, using three cleats to each
sheet, two on long side and one on short side. Use cleats 50 mm inches
wide, hooked over 20 mm 3/4 inch upturned edges of sheets, and nail to roof
deck with two 25 mm one inch long nails. Turn back roof end of cleat over
nail heads before next sheet is applied.
If desired, sheets may be made
into long lengths at shop by locking short dimensions together and
soldering seams thus formed. Turn long lengths 20 mm 3/4 inch, and secure
each length to roof deck by cleats spaced 300 mm 12 inches apart. Mallet
and solder seams after pans are in place." All sheets to be same length,
except as required to complete run or maintain pattern.
Locate transverse
joints of each panel half way between joints in adjacent sheets. Align
joints of alternate sheets horizontally to produce uniform pattern, as
shown in SMACNA Arch. Manual.
Make lines, arrises, and angles sharp and true. Free exposed surfaces from
visible wave, warp, and buckle, and tool marks. Fold back exposed edges
neatly to form a 13 mm 1/2 inch hem on the concealed side. Make sheet
metal exposed to the weather watertight with provisions for expansion and
Make surfaces to receive sheet metal plumb and true, clean, even, smooth,
dry, and free of defects and projections which might affect the
application. For installation of items not shown in detail or not covered
by specifications conform to the applicable requirements of SMACNA Arch.
Manual, Architectural Sheet Metal Manual. Provide sheet metal flashing in
the angles formed where roof decks abut walls, curbs, ventilators, pipes,
or other vertical surfaces and wherever indicated and necessary to make the
work watertight. Join sheet metal items together as shown in Table II.
Confine nailing of sheet metal generally to sheet metal having a maximum
width of 450 mm 18 inches. Confine nailing of flashing to one edge only.
Space nails evenly not over 75 mm 3 inches on centers and approximately 13
mm 1/2 inch from edge unless otherwise specified or indicated. Face
nailing will not be permitted. Where sheet metal is applied to other than
wood surfaces, include in shop drawings, the locations for sleepers and
nailing strips required to secure the work.
Sleepers and nailing strips
are specified in Section 06100 ROUGH CARPENTRY.
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