Polyurethane foam; G, [_____]
Submit literature including material description, physical
properties, recommended storage conditions, Material Safety Data
Sheets, and shelf life expiration date.
Roof coating; G, [_____]
Submit literature including material description, physical
properties, recommended storage conditions, Material Safety Data
Sheets, and shelf life expiration date.
Submit literature including material description, physical
properties, recommended storage conditions, Material Safety Data
Sheets, and shelf life expiration date.
Submit literature including material description, physical
properties, recommended storage conditions, Material Safety Data
Sheets, and shelf life expiration date.
Mineral granules]
Submit literature including material description, physical
properties, recommended storage conditions, Material Safety Data
Sheets, and shelf life expiration date.
SD-04 Samples
Sprayed polyurethane foam roof system mock-up; G, [_____]
Apply the spray foam roofing system, including the specified
elastomeric protective coating, in a designated test area of not
less than 4 square meters (50 square feet). Notify the
Contracting Officer a minimum of 48 hours prior to the test
application. The test area shall include drain and wall and
perimeter flashing, as applicable. The applied test system shall
conform with applicable roofing details and meet requirements of
surface texture, foam adhesion, and adhesion of the roof coating
to the foam. Equipment used in the construction shall be used in
the application of the test roof system.
Warranty Certificate; G, [_____]
Submit sample warranty for the complete roof system meeting the
specified warranty requirements. Sample warranty shall be
submitted and approved by the Contracting Officer prior to
commencement of roof work.
SD-06 Test Reports
Core sample tests; G, [_____]
Provide copies of test reports.
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