in application of the specified materials and minimum of [10][_____] years
experience in the application of sprayed polyurethane foam roof systems.
Mechanics applying the foam and coating materials shall have minimum 3
years prior experience in handling and spraying the type of materials
specified and spray equipment must be operated by or under the direct
full-time supervision of manufacturer-trained personnel. The applicator
shall supply the names, locations and client contact information of 5
projects of similar size and scope that the applicator has constructed
using the manufacturer's roofing products submitted for this project within
the previous three years.
Preroofing Conference
After approval of submittals and before performing roofing system
installation work, hold a preroofing conference to review the following:
a. Drawings and specifications and submittals related to the roof
Roof system components installation;
Procedure for the roof manufacturer's technical
representative's onsite inspection and acceptance of the roofing
substrate, the name of the manufacturer's technical
representatives, the frequency of the onsite visits, distribution
of copies of the inspection reports from the manufacturer's
technical representative;
d. Contractor's plan for coordination of the work of the various
trades involved in providing the roofing system and other
components impacting the roof;
Quality control plan for the roof system installation;
Property protection measures.
Safety requirements.
Preroofing conference scheduling shall be coordinated with the Contracting
Officer. The conference shall be attended by the Contractor, the
Contracting Officer's designated personnel, personnel directly responsible
for the installation of roof system, related sheet metal work,
[[mechanical] [and] [electrical] work], other trades interfacing with the
roof work, and representative of the sprayed polyurethane foam roofing
materials manufacturer. Before beginning roofing work, provide a copy of
meeting notes and action items to all attending parties. Note action items
requiring resolution prior to start of roof work.
Deliver and store materials in sufficient quantity to allow for
uninterrupted flow of work. Materials shall be delivered to the jobsite in
their original unopened packages, clearly marked with the manufacturer's
name, brand name, description of contents, and shelf life of containerized
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