Materials shall be stored in clean, dry areas, away from excessive heat,
sparks, and open flame. Storage area shall be ventilated to prevent
build-up of flammable gases. Maintain temperatures in the storage area
below the materials' flash point and within limits recommended by the
manufacturer's printed instructions.
Handle materials and containers during application work safely and in
accordance with manufacturer recommendations. Store liquids in airtight
containers and keep containers closed except when removing materials. Do
not use equipment or containers containing remains of dissimilar materials.
Do not expose foam component containers to direct sunlight for periods of
time sufficient to cause contents to exceed 26 degrees C (80 degrees F).
Mark and remove from job site materials which have been exposed to moisture
or that exceed shelf life limits. Not more than half the shelf life shall
have expired when materials are applied.
Do not apply roof system materials during inclement weather or when ice,
frost, surface moisture, or visible dampness is present on the surface to
be covered, or when precipitation is imminent. Use moisture-measuring
methods and equipment as required to verify that the moisture conditions of
substrate surfaces are in accordance with roof system materials
manufacturer requirements prior to application of foam and coating
materials. Substrate temperatures shall be within limits recommended by
the manufacturer's printed instructions, unless specified otherwise. Use
wind screen protection for all spray applications when wind speeds exceed
10 miles per hour.
Follow manufacturer's printed application and curing instructions, except
that no primer shall be applied when ambient temperature is below 4 degrees
C (40 degrees F) or when ambient temperature is expected to fall below 2
degrees C (35 degrees F) during drying or curing period. Primer material
and color shall be selected to promote proper substrate temperature for
sprayed polyurethane foam application.
Sprayed Polyurethane Foam
Suspend foam spraying when wind speeds exceed 25 miles per hour. Do not
apply sprayed polyurethane foam if the roof surface temperature is less
than 10 degrees C (50 degrees F), higher than 54 degrees C (130 degrees F),
or is less than 3 degrees C (5 degrees F) above the dewpoint. Relative
humidity shall be within limits recommended by the sprayed polyurethane
foam manufacturer's printed instructions. Determine the dewpoint at the
jobsite prior to and upon completion of each work day unless variable
weather conditions require more frequent monitoring. The wet bulb and dry
bulb temperatures during application of sprayed polyurethane foam shall be
within the ranges recommended by the sprayed polyurethane foam
manufacturer. Take wet bulb and dry bulb temperatures at the beginning of
foaming, end of foaming, and at 2 hour intervals during foaming. Record
each wet bulb and dry bulb temperature reading, substrate temperature, wind
speed, humidity, time of reading, and date, and area foamed on a copy of
the roof plan and submit with daily log to the Contracting Officer.
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