joint solidly with sealant without air pockets so that full contact is made
with both sides of the joint. Tool sealant with a round instrument that
provides a concave profile and a uniformly smooth and wrinkle free sealant
surface. Do not wet tool the joint with soap, water, or any other liquid
tooling aid.
During inclement weather, protect the joints until sealant
application. Use particular caution in sealing joints between window and
door frames and the EIFS wall and at all other wall penetrations. Clean
all surfaces to remove excess sealant.
NOTE: EIFS is applied in layers where installation
deficiencies can be hidden with the application of
subsequent layers. Include in Section 01450,
"Quality Control" inspection requirements
appropriate to the size and significance of the
project. For all but minor projects, require a full
time on-site inspector during the installation of
EIFS and its sealing. The inspector should have at
least 2 years experience in the installation of the
particular manufacturer's EIFS being installed and a
total of not less than 3 years of EIFS inspection
experience. Some EIFS manufacturers provide field
inspection services during installation. Identify
the EIFS inspector as a QC Specialist in Section
01450. For all but small jobs, the EIFS inspector
should have no other duties than those of inspecting
the installation. For major projects, include
paragraph 3.5.1 below requiring a third party
Throughout the installation, the contractor shall establish and maintain an
inspection procedure to assure compliance of the installed EIFS with
contract requirements. Work not in compliance shall be removed and
from acceptance of deliveries through installation of sealants and final
acceptance shall be performed by qualified inspector trained by the
manufacturer. No work on the EIFS shall be performed unless the inspector
is present at the job site.
Third Party Inspection
Provide full time third party inspection during the entire process of
installing the EIFS, from examination through cleanup. The third party
inspector shall be certified by the Exterior Design Institute (EDI), AWCI,
or by an equivalent independent party and shall be trained in the proper
installation of EIFS.
Inspection Check List
During the installation and at the completion of installation, perform
inspections covering at the minimum all applicable items enumerated on the
attached check list. The inspector shall initial and date all applicable
items, sign the check list, and submit it to the Contracting Officer at the
completion of the EIFS erection.
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