Examine substrate and existing conditions to determine that the EIFS can be
installed as required by the EIFS manufacturer and that all work related to
the EIFS is properly coordinated. Surface shall be sound and free of oil,
loose materials or protrusions which will interfere with the system
installation. If deficiencies are found, notify the Contracting Officer and
do not proceed with installation until the deficiencies are corrected. The
substrate shall be plane, with no deviation greater than 6 mm (1/4 inch)
when tested with a 3 m (10 foot) straightedge. Determine flatness,
plumbness, and any other conditions for conformance to manufacturer's
NOTE: The paragraph below only specifies flatness
of substrate to the EIFS manufacturer's
requirements. Where, because of the prominence of
the building, more stringent flatness requirements
are necessary, these should be added to the
Prepare existing surfaces for application of the EIFS to meet flatness
tolerances and surface preparation according to manufacturer's installation
instructions [but provide a flatness of not more that [6] [_____] mm in
3000 mm [1/4] [_____] inch in 10 feet]. Provide clean surfaces free of oil
and loose material without protrusions adversely affecting the installation
of the insulation board. For adhesively attached EIFS, existing
deteriorated paint must be removed. Due to substrate conditions or as
recommended by the system manufacturer, a primer may be required. Apply
the primer to existing surfaces as recommended by the manufacturer. Use
masking tape to protect areas adjacent to the EIFS to prevent base or
finish coat to be applied to areas not intended to be covered with the
EIFS. The contractor shall not proceed with the installation until all
noted deficiencies of the substrate are corrected.
Install EIFS as indicated, comply with manufacturer's instructions except
as otherwise specified, and in accordance with the shop drawings. EIFS
shall be installed only by an applicator trained by the EIFS manufacturer.
Specifically, include all manufacturer recommended provisions regarding
flashing and treatment of wall penetrations.
Sheathing Board
Edges and ends of boards shall be butted snugly with vertical joints
staggered to provide full and even support for the insulation. Do not
align sheathing board joints with wall openings. Provide support at both
vertical and horizontal joints. Attach sheathing board [to metal studs
with self-tapping drywall screws] [to concrete or masonry with corrosion
resistant metal fasteners]. Place fasteners sufficiently close to support
imposed loads, but not more than:
[a. Maximum of 200 mm (8 inches) apart on each supporting stud]
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