demonstrate and receive approval on the method that will be used to bring
up the masonry wythes; support the reinforcing bars; and grout cells, bond
beams, lintels, and collar joints using the requirements specified herein.
If sealer is specified to be applied to the masonry units, sealer shall be
applied to the sample panels. Panels shall be built on a properly designed
concrete foundation.
The completed panels shall be used as the standard of workmanship for the
type of masonry represented. Masonry work shall not commence until the
sample panel for that type of masonry construction has been completed and
approved. Panels shall be protected from the weather and construction
operations until the masonry work has been completed and approved. After
completion of the work, the sample panels, including all foundation
concrete, shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be removed
from the construction site.
Materials shall be delivered, handled, stored, and protected to avoid
chipping, breakage, and contact with soil or contaminating material.
Masonry Units
Concrete masonry units shall be covered or protected from inclement
weather. Store Type II, concrete masonry units at the site for a minimum
of 28 days for air cured units, 10 days for atmospheric steam or water
cured units, and 3 days for units cured with steam at a pressure of 800 to
1000 kPa 120 to 150 psi and at a temperature of 180 to 185 degrees C 350 to
365 degrees F for at least 5 hours. Protect moisture controlled units
(Type I) from rain and ground water. Prefabricated lintels shall be marked
on top sides to show either the lintel schedule number or the number and
size of top and bottom bars.
Steel reinforcing bars, coated anchors, ties, and joint reinforcement shall
be stored above the ground. Steel reinforcing bars and uncoated ties shall
be free of loose mill scale and rust.
Cementitious Materials, Sand and Aggregates
Cementitious and other packaged materials shall be delivered in unopened
containers, plainly marked and labeled with manufacturers' names and
brands. Cementitious material shall be stored in dry, weathertight
enclosures or be completely covered. Cement shall be handled in a manner
that will prevent the inclusion of foreign materials and damage by water or
dampness. Sand and aggregates shall be stored in a manner to prevent
Special Inspection
NOTE: This paragraph will be used for masonry
construction only when f'm used in design is more
than 10 MPa (1500 psi).
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