NOTE: Sample panels will be required for structures
having over 185 square meters (2,000 square feet) of
exterior wall area, including openings, and for
smaller structures where appearance is important.
The list of items to be shown by the sample panel
will be edited to provide only the representative
items. Typical installation of electrical conduit
and boxes may be illustrated by the sample panel
when deemed appropriate.
After material samples are approved and prior to starting masonry work, a
portable panel of clay or shale brick and sample masonry panels shall be
constructed for each type and color of masonry required. At least 48 hours
prior to constructing the sample panel or panels, the Contractor shall
submit written notification to the Contracting Officer's Representative.
Sample panels shall not be built in, or as part of the structure, but shall
be located where directed.
Panels shall be L-shaped or otherwise configured to represent all of the
wall elements. Panels shall be of the size necessary to demonstrate the
acceptable level of workmanship for each type of masonry represented on the
project. The minimum size of a straight panel or a leg of an L-shaped
panel shall be 2.5 m 8 feet long by [1.2] [1.8] m [4] [6] feet high.
Panels shall show full color range, texture, and bond pattern of the
masonry work. The Contractor's method for mortar joint tooling; grouting
of reinforced vertical cores, collar joints, bond beams, and lintels;
positioning, securing, and lapping of reinforcing steel; positioning and
lapping of joint reinforcement (including prefabricated corners); and
cleaning of masonry work shall be demonstrated during the construction of
the panels. Installation or application procedures for anchors, wall ties,
CMU control joints, brick expansion joints, insulation, flashing, brick
soldier, row lock courses and weep holes shall be shown in the sample
panels. The panels shall contain [a masonry bonded corner] [a stacked bond
corner] that includes a bond beam corner. Panels shall show [parging]
[and] [installation of electrical boxes and conduit]. Panels that
represent reinforced masonry shall contain a 600 by 600 mm 2 by 2 foot
opening placed at least 600 mm 2 feet above the panel base and 600 mm 2 feet
away from all free edges, corners, and control joints. Required
reinforcing shall be provided around this opening as well as at wall
corners and control joints.
Construction Method
Where anchored veneer walls are required, the Contractor shall demonstrate
and receive approval for the method of construction; i.e., either bring up
the two wythes together or separately, with the insulation and appropriate
ties placed within the specified tolerances across the cavity. Temporary
provisions shall be demonstrated to preclude mortar or grout droppings in
the cavity and to provide a clear open air space of the dimensions shown on
the drawings. Where masonry is to be grouted, the Contractor shall
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