Hollow clay or shale brick shall conform to ASTM C 652, Type [HBS] [HBX]
[HBA] [HBB]. Brick size shall be modular and the nominal size of the brick
used shall be [_____] mm inches thick, [_____] mm inches high, and [_____]
mm inches long. Where vertical reinforcement is shown in hollow brick, the
minimum cell dimension shall be 64 mm 2-1/2 inches and the units shall be
designed to provide precise vertical alignment of the cells. Minimum
compressive strength of the brick shall be [_____] MPa psi.
Sand-Lime Brick
NOTE: Where all sand-lime brick is interior, Grade
MW may be specified as an option to Grade SW.
ASTM C 73, Grade SW, approximately 92 mm thick, 57 mm high, 200 mm long
(nominal) 3 5/8 inches thick, 2 1/4 inches high, and 8 inches long
(nominal) or nominal modular, with smooth surfaces and natural color.
Refractory Brick
ASTM C 27, low-duty type, [_____] mm inches thick, [_____] mm inches high,
and [_____] mm inches long.
Closure or Utility Brick
ASTM C 216, Grade SW, Type FBS, [92 mm thick, 92 mm high, and 200 mm long
(closure) 3 5/8 inches thick, 3 5/8 inches high, and 8 inches long (closure)
] [or] [nominally 100 mm thick, 100 mm high, and 305 mm long (utility) 4
inches thick, 4 inches high, and 12 inches long (utility)]. [Closure] [or]
[Utility] brick may be used at the option of the Contractor, provided that
changes necessitated by the use of such brick shall be the responsibility
of the Contractor. Color, texture, and range of brick shall match the
brick [on display at [_____]] [indicated].
NOTE: Type I units are moisture controlled units
and will be specified to minimize shrinkage and
cracking. Grade N is used for high strength and
resistance to moisture penetration. Grade S is used
Combined Grade-Type designations such as N-I and
S-II are commonly used. Grade N-I units are for
general use and may be exposed to weather. Split
face brick (solid concrete facing units), where
required by design, should be added to this
paragraph. A particular color and texture may be
specified when locally available and competitively
priced. Sizes may be specified for brick or split
face brick where required by the design.
Concrete brick shall conform to ASTM C 55, Type [I] [II], Grade [N-I] [N]
[S] [S-II]. Concrete brick may be used where necessary for filling out in
concrete masonry unit construction.
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