SD-06 Test Reports
Survey Maps and Notes
Survey maps and notes, including a tabulated list of all wells
and monuments, copies of all field books, maps showing the
locations, and elevations of all wells, datum used (e.g. state
plane NAD27, NAD83, UTM, etc.), elevation datum, units of
measurement, and all computation sheets shall be submitted within
[_____] working days after completion of the survey. Also, a
diagram showing where on the top of the well the elevation was
determined by the surveyor.
Well Development Records
A well development record, for each well, within [_____] working
days of the completion of development.
Geophysical Logs
Interpreted geophysical logs shall be submitted within [_____]
working days of the completion of said logging.
Decommissioning/Abandonment Records
A well decommissioning record, for each well, or test hole
abandoned, within [_____] working days of the completion of the
abandonment procedure.
Project Photographs
Before, during, and after completion of the work, the Contractor
shall take photographs of each well installation site.
Photographs shall also be taken of any rock that is cored at the
Water Source
Decontamination and drilling water source analytical test
results shall be submitted within [____] working days before
Filter Pack
Filter pack material test results; sieve and chemical analyses,
shall be submitted within [____] working days after completion of
the test hole.
Test Reports within [_____] [24] hours following the conclusion
of each test.
SD-07 Certificates
NOTE: Edit the submittal requirements based on the
type of well (consolidated or unconsolidated). If
the specification is written for a consolidated
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