be made and capacity test should be performed for
all wells to provide an "as built" record.
Before starting construction of the well, a test hole of at least
[100][_____] mm [4] [_____] inches in diameter shall be drilled at the
location of the well into the target water bearing [stratum] [strata] as
directed by the Contracting Officer. Test holes should be drilled in a
manner to protect the subsurface from surface contamination. Test holes
should be carefully advanced and sampled to determine the presence of the
upper aquiclude if one exists. The boring should then be properly cased,
grouted, and sealed into the aquiclude before the boring is advanced
through the aquiclude into the aquifer.
The test hole shall be used to
determine the expected yield from the well, water quality, optimum depth,
and to log the strata encountered. Before conducting a capacity test, the
well shall be cased, and screened in accordance with these specifications.
Test holes shall be logged in accordance with paragraph BOREHOLE LOGS. A
temporary casing [may] [shall] be used. If used, the temporary casing
shall be seated [into the top of the rock] [at the top of the stratum being
tested]. The test hole may be converted to the permanent well, in
accordance with these specifications. If the test hole is not used for the
permanent well, the test hole shall be abandoned as specified in paragraph
NOTE: Sampling for chemical and geotechnical
analysis may be combined to allow for obtaining
samples for both if that accomplishes project
requirements. If this is done, however, the
geotechnical sampling must be coordinated with the
requirements in Section 01450 CHEMICAL DATA QUALIFY
CONTROL for sampling for chemical analysis. When
sampling at an HTRW site, properly decontaminated
stainless steel samplers should always be used. If
rock is cored at the site, properly decontaminated
stainless steel samplers should always be used. if
rock is cored at the site, and it is determined that
it should be retained, it should be boxed, and
photographed. Its storage, and later disposal
should be in accordance with ER 1110-1-1901, and the
proper storage and handling protocol for such
material as may be required by other Federal, state,
or local laws, regulations and permits. Sampling
procedures are described in EM 200-1-3, Requirements
for the Preparation of Sampling and Analysis Plans.
Guidance for preserving and preparing core samples
for transport can be found in ASTM D 5079.
Sampling requirements for obtaining and preserving samples for chemical
analysis shall be included in the Sampling and Analysis Plan as required in
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