NOTE: The option below covers piles for use in
construction where preservative treatment is not
required. Specify or indicate on the drawings the
minimum butt or tip circumference of the pile. Use
butt circumference for friction piles and tip
circumference for an end-bearing pile.
[Provide untreated Douglas fir or southern pine [clean-peeled]
[rough-peeled] [unpeeled] piles conforming to ASTM D 25. Minimum [butt
circumference measured at 900 mm 3 feet from the butt] [tip circumference]
shall be [[_____] mm inches] [as indicated]. Piles must be in one piece.
Splices will not be permitted.]
Preservative Treatment
preservative treatment for land or fresh water
piling. Compliance with treatment standards must be
confirmed, by an inspection report from an approved
independent inspection agency, on each pile. Select
appropriate treatment for intended use. Do not use
CCA, ACA, or ACZA treatment for round timber piles
when significant bending or impact loads are
Treat piles with [creosote], [or] [creosote-coal tar solution] [or
waterborne preservative either, Ammoniacal Copper Arsenate (ACA),
Ammoniacal Copper Zinc Arsenate (ACZA), or Chromated Copper Arsenate (CCA)]
in accordance with AWPA Standards AWPA C1 and AWPA C3 - For Land and Fresh
Water Piles, which shall be confirmed by the report of an approved
independent inspection agency.
Pile Shoes
FS RR-S-331. Boot type or point type specially fabricated for the purpose
and the product of a manufacturer regularly engaged in the manufacture of
pile fittings. Provide size to fit tip [specified] [indicated]. Fabricate
boot-type of 5 mm 3/16 inch carbon steel fully welded, with minimum three
straps, each with 5 mm 3/16 inch nail hole. Fabricate point type of four 5
mm 3/16 inch steel plates, fully welded and sized to adequately cover full
pointed area of pile; provide each plate with 5 or 6 mm 3/16 or 1/4 inch
nail hole.
Examine piles when delivered and when in the leads immediately before
Where the protective shell of treated wood is impaired at a point which
after installation will be not less than 3 m 10 feet below the ground, make
repairs in accordance with AWPA M4 unless the pile is damaged to such
extent that it is rejected.
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