[R = 2.71E/(
+ 0.1P)
[R = 2E/(S + 0.1 P/W]
Where: R is the allowable static pile load in kg
pounds, W is the weight of the striking part of the
hammer in kg pounds, H is the effective height of
fall in meters feet, E is the actual energy
delivered by the hammer per blow in joule foot-pounds,
S is the average net penetration in mm inches per
blow for the last five blows after the pile has been
driven to a depth where successive blows produce
approximately equal net penetration (a minimum
distance of one m 3 feet for friction piles), and P
is the weight of the pile in kg pounds. If P is
less than W, P/W shall be taken as unity.
Dynamic pile stresses should not exceed the crushing
strength of piles.
Perform load tests on [_____] test piles [as indicated] in accordance with
ASTM D 1143, as modified herein. Use the method for either load supported
directly by the pile or load from weighted box or platform or reaction
frame attached to sufficient uplift piles to take safely the required load
applied to the pile by hydraulic jack. Make load tests at locations
directed by Contracting Officer. Additional load tests may be required by
the Contracting Officer. If additional load tests are required, the
contract will be adjusted in accordance with the clause entitled "Changes"
of the Contract Clauses. Loading, testing, and recording and analysis of
data must be under the direct supervision of a Registered Professional
Driving Piles
Drive without interruption to the ["calculated"] [indicated] tip elevation
[to reach a driving resistance in accordance with the schedule that the
Government will prepare from the test pile driving data]. If a pile fails
to reach the ["calculated"] [indicated] pile tip elevation [or if the
required driving resistance is reached before the ["calculated"]
[indicated] pile tip elevation], notify the Contracting Officer who will
determine the procedure to be followed. Drive production piles with the
same hammer, cap block, and cushion materials and use the same operating
conditions as test piles. Safe design capacity for each pile is [_____]
metric tons tons.
Driving Equipment
Select and use a pile hammer of sufficient weight and energy to suitably
install the specified pile without damage into the soils [as indicated]
[expected to be encountered.] Place driving helmet or a cap and cushion
block combination capable of protecting the head of the pile between the
top of the pile and the ram to prevent impact damage to the pile. If block
is damaged, split, highly compressed, charred or burned or has become
spongy or deteriorated in any manner, replace with a new block. The helmet
or block shall uniformly transmit energy to the pile and minimum loss of
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