will not be made for cutting off piles; for any portion of a pile remaining
above the cutoff elevation; or for broken, damaged, or rejected piles.]
NOTE: Use this option if unit pricing IS required.
Specify unit price bid items for piling only where
exact quantities cannot be practically determined
prior to the actual work. For SOUTHDIV, use the
reference to SF 1442; do not use references to
Section 00101 or document titled "Supplementary
Instructions to Bidders" for SOUTHDIV. For LANTDIV,
use option for the document titled "Supplementary
Instructions to Bidders."
NOTE: See paragraph entitled "Payment and
Measurement" and related technical notes for
requirements regarding quantity variations.
[Payment will be at contract unit price per unit length, including test
piles, multiplied by the total length of acceptable piles actually
installed. Test piles shall be [1.5 m] [5 feet] [_____] longer than bid
length piles. Base bids on the number of piles with pile length from tip
to cutoff, as indicated, and on total linear footage of piling from tip to
cutoff, including test piles, as specified in the [document titled
"Supplementary Instructions to Bidders."] [Section 00101 BID SCHEDULES.]
[SF 1442, "Solicitation, Offer and Award" and "Schedule of Bid Items."]
Include in bid a unit price per [load test and] unit length of piling based
on the quantity stated in [document titled "Supplementary Instructions to
Bidders."] [Section 00101 BID SCHEDULES.] [SF 1442, "Solicitation, Offer
and Award" and "Schedule of Bid Items."] From the requirements, the
contractor shall prepare a schedule of the number of piles of each length
to be used and their location. Submit schedule for approval before any
piles, except test piles, are ordered. The Government reserves the right
to take up to 3 working days to review test pile driving records and take
up to 3 additional working days to review and approve the contractor
prepared schedule of pile lengths and locations. The excess pile length
ordered over the tip to the cutoff length listed in the schedule as finally
approved shall be the responsibility of the contractor. Use this list as
the basis for ordering piles. The contractor shall not order production
piles prior to receipt of the above information from the Government.
[Adjustments in contract price will also be made for each increase or
decrease in number of pile tests.]]
Payment and Measurement
NOTE: For unit pricing situations, enter the tip to
cutoff pile length in the three blank spaces
provided. Use tip to cutoff lengths 300 mm one foot
less than standard ordering lengths, to allow for a
300 mm one foot broomed test.
Requirements of "FAR 52.211-18, Variations in Estimated Quantity" shall not
apply to payment for piles. Each job pile and test pile acceptably
provided from tip to cutoff will be paid for at the applicable contract
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