and disposal consistent with characterization of
tank contents.
If the Defense Re-utilization and Marketing Office
(DRMO) is unwilling to take the wastes, delete
reference to delivery inside the installation.
Early in the design stage coordinate with the DRMO
to ensure their capabilities are used to the maximum
benefit of the Government and on approved containers
that might be available or required by the DRMO.
The bid documents must have a letter of waste
acceptance attached thereto to be considered a
responsive bid. Coordinate with the state
regulatory personnel. Other options are addressed
in EM 1110-3-178.
Petroleum contaminated water disposal is addressed
in EM 1110-3-178.
TSD facilities appropriate to accept the wastes
generated by this project may be identified. If an
analysis is available, bid acceptance may be subject
to the bidders having a signed letter of acceptance
from a permitted TSD attached to the bid; otherwise
the bid should be declared nonresponsive.
[Tank product, pumpable liquids, and sludge shall be contained, and stored
onsite, prior to disposal. Contaminated water shall be treated as
specified. Tank product, pumpable liquids, and sludge shall be analyzed
and segregated to recover reusable products by the [Government]
[Contractor] prior to being transported to the [designated location]
[treatment, storage and disposal (TSD) facility.]] [Tank product, pumpable
liquids, and sludge shall be removed and disposed of by the Contractor. No
Government facilities shall be used for permanent storage or disposal of
the wastes. Temporary storage on Government facilities will be allowed
only until testing is complete, manifests (if necessary) are complete, and
transportation is arranged.] The Contractor shall be responsible for
obtaining all required permits. Usable product shall be the property of
the [Government] [Contractor]. The Contractor shall provide approved
containers, vehicles, equipment, labor, signs, labels, placards and
manifests and associated land disposal restriction notices and
notifications, necessary for accomplishment of the work, including
materials necessary for cleaning up spills that could occur from tank
removal operations.
Contaminated Water Disposal
Sampling, Analysis, and Containment
NOTE: The designer will detail the analytical
parameters for contaminated water and treated
effluent, treated onsite or off-site, according to
the state regulations, the requirements of the
recycler and/or TSD facility, and EM 1110-3-178.
Sampling and analysis are to be conducted for
parameters consistent with characterization of tank
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