c. An up-to-date copy of the Testing Plan and Log with supporting
field test reports, arranged by specification section.
d. Copies of all contract modifications, arranged in numerical order.
Also include documentation that modified work was accomplished.
An up-to-date copy of the Rework Items List.
f. Maintain up-to-date copies of all punch lists issued by the QC
staff to the Contractor and Sub-Contractors and all punch lists issued
by the Government.
Reports from the QC Specialist(s)
NOTE: Delete this paragraph if there are no
requirements for QC Specialist(s). Use the first
set of brackets for projects that are using WebCM,
use the second set of brackets for projects not
using WebCM.
Reports are required for each day that work is performed in their area of
responsibility. QC Specialist reports shall include the same documentation
requirements as the CQC Report for their area of responsibility. QC
Specialist reports are to be prepared, signed and dated by the QC
Specialists and shall [accompany the submission of] [be attached to] the
CQC Report prepared for the same day.
Testing Plan and Log
As tests are performed, the QC Manager shall record on the "Testing Plan
and Log" the date the test was performed and the date the test results were
forwarded to the Contracting Officer. Attach a copy of the updated
"Testing Plan and Log" to the last daily CQC Report of each month, per the
paragraph "INFORMATION FOR THE CONTRACTING OFFICER". A copy of the final
"Testing Plan and Log" shall be provided to the OMSI preparer for inclusion
into the OMSI documentation.
Rework Items List
NOTE: Delete the bracketed sentence when WebCM will
be used on the project.
The QC Manager shall maintain a list of work that does not comply with the
Contract, identifying what items need to be reworked, the date the item was
originally discovered, the date the item will be corrected by, and the date
the item was corrected. There is no requirement to report a rework item
that is corrected the same day it is discovered. [Attach a copy of the
"Rework Items List" to the last daily CQC Report of each month. ]The
Contractor shall be responsible for including those items identified by the
Contracting Officer.
As-Built Drawings
The QC Manager is required to ensure the as-built drawings, required by
Section 01770N CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES are kept current on a daily basis and
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