project, delete the first set of bracketed
sentence(s), in the paragraph below. When WebCM is
a requirement on the project, delete the second set
of bracketed sentence(s), in the paragraph below.
[ All electronic submissions of QC documentation will be through the Web
Based Construction Management (WebCM) system. Refer to the requirements of
Section 01322 "Web Based Construction Management (WebCM)". The Contractor
shall use the Daily Report forms that are available in WebCM.] [Prior to
commencing work on construction, the Contractor can obtain a single copy
set of the current report forms from the Contracting Officer. The report
forms will consist of the Contractor Production Report, Contractor
Production Report (Continuation Sheet), Contractor Quality Control (CQC)
Report, (CQC) Report (Continuation Sheet), Preparatory Phase Checklist,
Initial Phase Checklist, Rework Items List, and Testing Plan and Log.]
Deliver the following to the Contracting Officer during Construction:
NOTE: Delete the requirement for QC Specialist
reports when QC Specialists are not specified.
NOTE: When WebCM is a requirement on the project,
use the first bracketed sentence only; when not
using WebCM, use the second bracketed sentence only.
a. CQC Report: [Submit the report electronically by 10:00 AM the next
working day after each day that work is performed and for every seven
consecutive calendar days of no-work.][Mail or hand-carry the original
(wet signatures) [and one copy][and _____ copies] by 10:00 AM the next
working day after each day that work is performed and for every seven
consecutive calendar days of no-work.]
b. Contractor Production Report: [Submit the report electronically by
10:00 AM the next working day after each day that work is performed and
for every seven consecutive calendar days of no-work.][Mail or
hand-carry the original (wet signatures) [and one copy][and _____
copies] by 10:00 AM the next working day after each day that work is
performed and for every seven consecutive calendar days of no-work,
attached to the CQC Report.]
c. Preparatory Phase Checklist: [Submit the report electronically in
the same manner as the CQC Report for each Preparatory Phase
held.][Original attached to the original CQC Report and one copy
attached to each QC Report copy.]
d. Initial Phase Checklist: [Submit the report electronically in the
same manner as the CQC Report for each Initial Phase held.][Original
attached to the original CQC Report and one copy attached to each QC
Report copy.]
[e. QC Specialist Reports: [Submit the report electronically by 10:00
AM the next working day after each day that work is performed.][Mail or
hand-carry the original (wet signatures) [and one copy][and _____
copies] by 10:00 AM the next working day after each day that work is
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