shall be prefixed with "S". Letters initiated by the Contractor's home
(main) office shall be prefixed with "H". Letters shall be numbered
starting from 0001. (e.g., H-0001 or S-0001). The Government's letters to
the Contractor will be prefixed with "C".
The Contractor's QCS database shall contain a current list of equipment
planned for use or being used on the jobsite, including the most recent and
planned equipment inspection dates.
Management Reporting
QCS includes a number of reports that Contractor management can use to
track the status of the project. The value of these reports is reflective
of the quality of the data input, and is maintained in the various sections
of QCS. Among these reports are: Progress Payment Request worksheet, QA/QC
comments, Submittal Register Status, Three-Phase Inspection checklists.
Pay Activity Data
The QCS database shall include a list of pay activities that the Contractor
shall develop in conjunction with the construction schedule. The sum of
all pay activities shall be equal to the total contract amount, including
modifications. Pay activities shall be grouped by Contract Line Item
Number (CLIN), and the sum of the activities shall equal the amount of each
CLIN. The total of all CLINs equals the Contract Amount.
Payment Requests
All progress payment requests shall be prepared using QCS. The Contractor
shall complete the payment request worksheet and include it with the
payment request. The work completed under the contract, measured as
percent or as specific quantities, shall be updated at least monthly.
After the update, the Contractor shall generate a payment request report
using QCS. The Contractor shall submit the payment requests with
supporting data by E-mail with file attachment(s). If permitted by the
Contracting Officer, a data diskette may be used instead of E-mail. A
signed paper copy of the approved payment request is also required, which
shall govern in the event of discrepancy with the electronic version.
Quality Control (QC)
QCS provides a means to track implementation of the 3-phase QC Control
System, prepare daily reports, identify and track deficiencies, document
progress of work, and support other contractor QC requirements. The
Contractor shall maintain this data on a daily basis. Entered data will
automatically output to the QCS generated daily report. The Contractor
shall provide the Government a Contractor Quality Control (CQC) Plan within
the time required in Section 01451A, CONTRACTOR QUALITY CONTROL. Within
seven calendar days of Government acceptance, the Contractor shall submit a
data diskette or CD-ROM reflecting the information contained in the
accepted CQC Plan: schedule, pay activities, features of work, submittal
register, QC requirements, and equipment list.
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