i. Calculated receiver input signal voltages and signal-to-noise (S/N)
ratios for radio switches described in b. above.
Manufacturer's Certifications
Manufacturer's certifications shall be included with the Group I data
Group II Technical Data Package
NOTE: Remove Group II when there is no Government
furnished equipment.
The Group II technical data package shall include the results of the
testing and calibration of the Government furnished Radio Frequency
Communication Equipment (RFCE). Defective or nonrepairable equipment shall
be reported. An estimate of the materials and costs required to repair or
replace defective equipment shall be provided. Within 10 days after
completion of testing and calibration, a certificate shall be provided that
the Government furnished RFCE is in calibration and is functioning
Group III Technical Data Package
NOTE: Insert section number and title for the UMCS
The Group III technical data package shall consist of factory testing data.
The Contractor shall prepare and submit test procedures using Section
[_____] as a guide for the factory test. The procedures shall explain in
detail, step-by-step actions and expected results to demonstrate compliance
with the specified requirements, and the methods for simulating the
necessary conditions of operation to demonstrate performance of the system.
Group IV Technical Data Package
Performance Verification and Endurance Testing Data
NOTE: Insert section number and title for the UMCS
The Contractor shall prepare and submit test procedures using Section
[_____] as a guide, excluding all surge and overvoltage tests, for the
performance verification test and endurance test. Surge and overvoltage
tests shall not be conducted during the performance verification test. The
test procedures shall describe the applicable tests to be performed, and
other pertinent information such as specialized test equipment required,
and length of performance verification test. The test procedures shall
explain in detail, step-by-step actions and expected results to demonstrate
compliance with the specified requirements. Receiver input signal voltages
and S/N ratios as required by the RF area coverage report shall be verified
as adequate for system operation. Performance verification and endurance
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