paragraphs ac Input, ac Output, Transient Response and Efficiency. The
tests shall encompass all aspects of operation, such as module failure,
static bypass operation, battery failure, input power failure and overload
ratings. The Government shall be notified in writing at least 2 weeks
before testing. Factory-test time shall not be used for system debugging
and/or checkout. Such work shall be done prior to notifying the Government
that the system is ready for testing. Factory tests shall be performed
during normal business hours. The system shall be interconnected and
tested for an additional 8 hours to ensure proper wiring and performance.
Transient Tests
Transient tests shall be conducted using high-speed oscillograph type
recorders to demonstrate the operation of the components to the
satisfaction of the Government. These tests shall include 50 percent to
100 percent load changes, manual transfer, manual retransfer, low dc bus
initiated transfer and low ac output bus transfer. A recording instrument
equipped with an event marker shall be used.
Efficiency Tests
Testing for efficiency shall be performed at zero output up to 100 percent
of stated kVA output in 25 percent steps, [0.8] [0.9] power factor, with
battery fully charged and floating on the dc bus, with nominal input
voltage, and with modules connected to the system to represent actual
operating conditions.
Inspection before shipment is required. The manufacturer shall notify the
Government at least 2 weeks before shipping date so that an inspection can
be made.
The UPS system shall be set in place, wired and connected in accordance
with the approved shop drawings and manufacturer's instructions. The UPS
battery shall be shipped to the site dry.
The services of a manufacturer's representative who is experienced in the
installation, adjustment, and operation of the equipment specified shall be
provided. The representative shall supervise the installation, adjustment
and testing of the equipment. The representative shall check the wiring
between equipment, start up the system, and field test the functions,
functioning according to the intent of the design. The field tests shall
be performed under the supervision of a factory-trained representative of
the equipment manufacturer and witnessed by the Government. The Government
shall be given 2 weeks written advance notice of the date and time when
testing will be conducted.
Field Tests
As a minimum, the startup and field test procedures shall include the
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