Battery Room Temperature.
Battery system performance may be affected by
battery room temperatures above or below the
standard 25 degrees C (77 deg. F) at which batteries
are rated. Battery capacity is reduced at lower
temperatures and battery life expectancy is reduced
at sustained temperatures greater than 30 degrees C
(86 deg. F). Batteries should be derated if battery
room temperatures are expected to vary more than
plus or minus 2.78 degrees from the standard 25
degrees C.
Safety Considerations.
Large battery rooms will normally require eyewash
facilities and should be coordinated with the
plumbing designer. Storage batteries and charging
equipment should not be installed in hazardous
locations. Safety equipment for the battery room
should include the following: full coverage face
shield, rubber or neoprene long cuff gloves, rubber
or neoprene apron, battery maintenance blanket,
insulated maintenance tools, acid absorption and
safety board equipment.
A storage battery with sufficient ampere-hour rating to maintain UPS output
at full capacity for the specified duration shall be provided for each UPS
module. The battery shall be of heavy-duty, industrial design suitable for
UPS service. The cells shall be provided with flame arrestor vents,
intercell connectors and cables, cell-lifting straps, cell-numbering sets,
and terminal grease. Intercell connectors shall be sized to maintain
terminal voltage within voltage window limits when supplying full load
under power failure conditions. Cell and connector hardware shall be
stainless steel of a type capable of resisting corrosion from the
electrolyte used.
[lead calcium] [lead antimony] [nickel cadmium].
Specific gravity when fully charged:
[1.215] [_____].
End voltage [1.67] [_____] volts per cell.
Float voltage:
[2.17 to 2.26] [2.15 to 2.22] volts per cell.
[2.33 to 2.38] [_____] volts per cell.
The battery shall be of the [valve-regulated, sealed, non-gassing,
recombinant type] [wet-cell type and shall be supplied complete with
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