Panelboards shall be metal-enclosed, general purpose, [3-phase, 4-wire],
[1-phase, 3-wire], [600][_____] volt rated, with neutral bus and continuous
ground bus, conforming to NEMA PB 1 and UL 891. Neutral bus and ground bus
capacity shall be [as shown][full capacity]. Enclosure designs,
construction, materials and coatings shall be [as indicated][suitable for
the application and environment]. Bus continuous current rating shall be
[at least equal to the generator rating and correspond to UL listed current
ratings specified for panelboards and switchboards][as indicated]. Current
withstand rating (short circuit rating) shall match the generator capacity.
Buses shall be copper.
devices shall be as specified in Section 16475A COORDINATED POWER SYSTEM
Devices, wiring, remote panels, local panels, etc., shall be provided and
installed as a complete system to automatically activate the appropriate
signals and initiate the appropriate actions. The safety system shall be
provided with a self-test method to verify its operability. Alarm signals
shall have manual acknowledgement and reset devices. The alarm signal
systems shall reactivate for new signals after acknowledgment is given to
any signal. The systems shall be configured so that loss of any monitoring
device shall be dealt with as an alarm on that system element.
Audible Signal
NOTE: High dB levels are required for alarms
located near engine. Specify over 100 dB for engine
room application and show alarm location.
The audible alarm signal shall sound at a frequency of [70] [_____] Hz at a
volume of [_____] [75] dB at 3.1 m 10 feet. The sound shall be
continuously activated upon alarm and silenced upon acknowledgment. Signal
devices shall be located as shown.
Visual Signal Signal
The visual alarm signal shall be a panel light. The light shall be
normally off, activated to be blinking upon alarm. The light shall change
to continuously light upon acknowledgement. If automatic shutdown occurs,
the display shall maintain activated status to indicate the cause of
failure and shall not be reset until cause of alarm has been cleared and/or
restored to normal condition. Shutdown alarms shall be red; all other
alarms shall be amber.
Alarms and Action Logic
Simultaneous activation of the audible signal, activation of the visual
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