developed by the TAB Specialist. Where new procedures, requirements, etc.,
applicable to the Contract requirements have been published or adopted by
the body responsible for the TAB Standard used (AABC, NEBB, or TABB), the
requirements and recommendations contained in these procedures and
requirements shall be considered mandatory.
TAB Firm
NOTE: Where the size or complexity of the HVAC
system(s) warrant, include in the project
specification the bracketed requirement specifying
that the TAB firm be certified for "building systems
The TAB Firm shall be either a member of AABC or certified by the NEBB or
the TABB and certified in all categories and functions where measurements
or performance are specified on the plans and specifications, including
[TAB of environmental systems] [the performance of clean rooms and clean
air devices] [building systems commissioning] [and] [the measuring of sound
and vibration in environmental systems]. The certification shall be
maintained for the entire duration of duties specified herein. If, for any
reason, the firm loses subject certification during this period, the
Contractor shall immediately notify the Contracting Officer and submit
another TAB Firm for approval. Any firm that has been the subject of
disciplinary action by either the AABC, the NEBB, or the TABB within the
five years preceding Contract Award shall not be eligible to perform any
duties related to the HVAC systems, including TAB. All work specified in
this Section and in other related Sections to be performed by the TAB Firm
shall be considered invalid if the TAB Firm loses its certification prior
to Contract completion and must be performed by an approved successor.
These TAB services are to assist the prime Contractor in performing the
quality oversight for which it is responsible. The TAB Firm shall be a
subcontractor of the prime Contractor and shall be financially and
corporately independent of the mechanical subcontractor, and shall report
to and be paid by the prime Contractor.
TAB Specialist
The TAB Specialist shall be either a member of AABC,an experienced
technician of the Firm certified by the NEBB, or a Supervisor certified by
the TABB. The certification shall be maintained for the entire duration of
duties specified herein. If, for any reason, the Specialist loses subject
certification during this period, the Contractor shall immediately notify
the Contracting Officer and submit another TAB Specialist for approval.
Any individual that has been the subject of disciplinary action by either
the AABC, the NEBB, or the TABB within the five years preceding Contract
Award shall not be eligible to perform any duties related to the HVAC
systems, including TAB. All work specified in this Section and in other
related Sections performed by the TAB Specialist shall be considered
invalid if the TAB Specialist loses its certification prior to Contract
completion and must be performed by the approved successor.
All TAB work specified herein and in related sections shall be performed
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