Test Reports
Pump Tests Reports
Include certified curves showing pump performances.
Damper Tests Reports
In each damper factory test report, report, discuss the test conditions,
results, defects found and corrective action taken. In lieu of factory
tests on poppet dampers, include the results of field tests performed on
similar installations.
Submit model test reports within 30 days of test completion. The test
reports shall include a scale drawing of the model showing actual
dimensions and a scale drawing of the full-size installation showing
modifications made and devices added to the ductwork and transitions as a
result of the model study. The test report shall also include uniform gas
velocity diagrams and histograms, indicating the root mean square velocity
deviation, standard deviations, and mean velocity, at strategic locations
which shall include, but not be limited to the following:
Inlet to spray dryer sulfur dioxide absorbers.
Inlet to baghouse.
Inlet to each fabric filter baghouse module.
Inlets to induced draft fans.
Stack inlet.
Two stack diameters located downstream of the stack inlet.
Submit a complete explanation of the test procedures including flow rates,
pressures, sample calculations and assumptions prior to testing. Deviations
in dynamic or geometric similitude by the model from the full-size
installation shall be listed and justified. Conclusions that show type and
location of devices required for proper gas distribution and modifications
necessary to the proposed ductwork, that result from model testing, shall
be incorporated into the Contractor's final ductwork design. The report
should recommend the location of test ports, the location and type of flow
distribution devices in stack, and the location of gas flow instrumentation
points and monitors. Provide a complete listing of pressure drop data
taken at each pressure tap during each test run and also include data from
runs before and after the addition of supplemental flow distribution
devices that correct distribution problems identified by initial runs.
Pressure taps shall be located as required to accurately determine the
pressure drop across critical ductwork components and the effect of the
additional distribution devices on the pressure drop. Submit with the
report a complete set of photographs and videotapes recordings of model
during air flow test.
For instrument calibration and testing, certify that instruments were
calibrated and testing readings indicated are true, that computations
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