SD-03 Product Data
Centrifugal cyclone collector]
Multitube collector]
Submit performance curves consisting of particle size
distribution and fractional efficiency curves.
SD-02 Shop Drawings
Mechanical cyclone dust collector system
SD-07 Certificates
Lists of prior installations
Certification of testing capability
SD-06 Test Reports
Post-installation inspection of dust collectors
Performance test of dust collectors
Particulate tests of dust collectors
Submit post installation inspection report within 15 calendar
days after inspection stating the findings including a statement
for field performance tests. Perform dust collector tests in
conjunction with boiler or incinerator. For each performance test,
including cycling test and 100 percent load testing, submit data
specified in paragraph entitled "Inlet Gas Conditions" and
failures of components in test reports. Test reports for
particulators tests shall certify that instruments were calibrated
and readings indicated are true, that computations required for
testing are accurate, that acceptable methods were used, and that
the equipment performed in accordance with the requirements or
performed with depicted failures or deficiencies. Results of
additional tests shall be recorded and submitted in a written
report to the Contracting Officer.
SD-10 Operation and Maintenance Data
Centrifugal cyclone collector, Data Package 3
Multitube collector, Data Package 3
Submit in
accordance with Section 01781 OPERATION AND
DATA. Include complete installation, operation and
instructions and data including models and serial
numbers and
part lists for the equipment.
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