Smoke Pipe Cleaner
Smoke pipe cleaner shall be provided to clean the breeching and smoke
connections. Cleaner shall have jointed handle long enough to clean
breeching and smoke connections without dismantling the system.
Special Wrenches
Special wrenches shall be provided as required for opening boiler manholes,
handholes, and cleanouts.
Spare Parts
The Contractor shall submit spare parts data for each different item of
than [_____] months before the date of beneficial occupancy. The data
shall include a complete list of spare parts and supplies with current unit
prices and source of supply.
NOTE: If the need exists for more stringent
requirements for weldments, delete the first
bracketed statement.
[Piping shall be welded in accordance with qualified procedures using
performance qualified welders and welding operators. Procedures and
welders shall be qualified in accordance with ASME BPVC SEC IX. Welding
procedures qualified by others, and welders and welding operators qualified
by another employer, may be accepted as permitted by ASME B31.1.
Contracting Officer shall be notified 24 hours in advance of tests and the
tests shall be performed at the work site if practicable. The welder or
welding operator shall apply his assigned symbol near each weld he makes as
a permanent record. Structural members shall be welded in accordance with
Section 05090A WELDING, STRUCTURAL.] [Welding and nondestructive testing
procedures are specified in Section 05093 WELDING PRESSURE PIPING.]
NOTE: The designer should require the Contractor to
prepare (in addition to providing O&M manuals for
each piece of equipment) O&M manuals for the
completed work which consists of diverse equipment
integrated into a system not covered by instructions
from a single manufacturer; in that case retain the
first bracketed sentence. Remove the first
bracketed sentence when the manufacturer's
instructions are sufficient to operate and maintain
the completed work.
[The manuals will be approved by [the Contracting Officer] [_____] before
acceptance of the installed system.] [Six] [_____] complete copies of
operation manual for energy recovery system outlining the step-by-step
procedures required for system startup, operation, and shutdown shall be
provided. The manuals shall include the manufacturer's name, model number,
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