proposed test date. The procedure shall contain a complete
description of the proposed test with calibration curves or test
results furnished by an independent testing laboratory of each
instrument, meter, gauge, and thermometer to be used in the tests.
The test shall not commence until the procedure has been approved.
SD-06 Test Reports
Test reports in booklet form showing all field tests performed
to adjust each component and all field tests performed to prove
compliance with the specified performance criteria, upon
completion and testing of the installed system. Each test report
shall indicate the final position of controls.
All equipment delivered and placed in storage shall be stored with
protection from the weather, humidity and temperature variation, dirt and
The Contractor shall become familiar with all details of the work, verify
all dimensions in the field, and shall advise the Contracting Officer of
any discrepancy before performing the work.
NOTE: If fire-tube boilers are specified, delete
paragraph "Tube Cleaner;" if water-tube boilers are
specified, delete paragraph "Tube Brush." If the
boiler design utilizes bent tubes, both paragraphs
"Tube Cleaner" and "Tube Brush" should be deleted.
All special tools necessary for the operation and maintenance of boilers,
pumps, fans, and other equipment shall be furnished. Small hand tools
shall be furnished with a suitable cabinet, mounted where directed.
Tube Cleaner
Tube cleaner shall be the water-driven type with three rotary cutters and
rotary wire brush, complete with the necessary length of armored water
hose, valves, and other appurtenances necessary for operation. Tube
cleaner and rotary brush shall be provided for each size of water tube in
the boiler, with one extra set of cutters for each size cleaner. Necessary
valves and fittings shall be provided to permit quick connection of the raw
water supply hose to one boiler feed pump for operation of the cleaner.
Tube Brush
Tube brush, with steel bristles and jointed handle of sufficient length to
clean full length of fire tubes, shall be provided.
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