laminated plastic, at least 2 weeks prior to the start of related
testing. After approval, these items shall be posted where
tests, at least 2 weeks prior to the start of related testing.
SD-06 Test Reports
Fuel System Tests
test, upon completion of testing complete with results.
Water Treatment Testing
.....a. The water quality test report shall identify the chemical
composition of the boiler water. The report shall include a
comparison of the condition of the boiler water with the
manufacturer's recommended conditions. Any required corrective
action shall be documented within the report.
b. A test report shall identify the condition of the boiler
at the completion of 1 year of service. The report shall include
a comparison of the condition of the boiler with the
manufacturer's recommended operating conditions.
SD-07 Certificates
Written certification by the bolt manufacturer that the bolts
furnished comply with the requirements of this specification. The
certification shall include illustrations of product markings, the
date of manufacture, and the number of each type of bolt to be
furnished based on this certification.
Continuous Emissions Monitoring
Written certification by the boiler manufacturer that each
boiler furnished complies with Federal, state, and local
regulations for emissions. The certification shall also include a
description of applicable emission regulations. If any boiler is
exempt from the emission regulations, the certification shall
indicate the reason for the exemption.
SD-10 Operation and Maintenance Data
Operation and Maintenance Instructions
[Six] [_____] complete manuals listing step-by-step procedures
required for system startup, operation, shutdown, and routine
maintenance, at least 2 weeks prior to field training. The
manuals shall include the manufacturer's name, model number, parts
list, simplified wiring and control diagrams, troubleshooting
guide, and recommended service organization (including address and
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